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The spray is a mixture of warm moist air expelled from the lungs, with any sea water still surrounding the blow-hole. It is not just water.

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Q: Is that a fountain of water that comes out of a whale's blowhole?
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What is the stuff called that comes out of whales blowhole?

This may sound a bit stupid but i always thought that it was water that came out of the blowhole. Just like how fish breathe in water and dispence it throught their gills, i thought that whales did the same however through their blowhole?

How does killer whales releases its water?

Through its blowhole

Can whales breathe though their gills?

No,they have a blowhole that breathes AIR not WATER.

How does a whale get oxygen?

they breathe, just like the rest of the mammals on this planet. they breathe through their blowhole, on the top of their head. they surface and the blowhole comes out of the water and they breathe, just like we do. some whales can hold their breath for up to an hour underwater. when you see that spurt of mist that comes from the top of the whales head, that's the whale breathing.

What whales have a blowhole?

All whales have blow holes to breathe, also to spurt out the water they suck in when eating plankton.

Why whales and dolphin skirt out a fountain surface?

As mammals, dolphins and whales need to breathe with their lungs like you. Their blowhole is like your nostril. Unlike you, they are able to hold their breath for a really long time. While underwater, they'd been saving up a bunch of carbon dioxide and snot and essentially "blow their nose" as they come to the surface before taking that next deep breath. The "fountain" you see is mostly the water from above the blowhole as well as some of that mucus, propelled by their exhalation of air and carbon dioxide.

What Substance the whales blow from their blowhole?

Mainly water, as droplets and as moisture. There might be some mucus too.

Do whales have lungs?

Humpback whales breathe air by using their lungs. They can only breathe in when their blowhole is above the surface of the water. When they exhale, you can see a spout of warm moist air shoot upwards from their blowhole.

How do orca whales breathe air?

They breathe through their blow holes.A killer whale breathes through a single blowhole on top of its head. •The blowhole is relaxed in a closed position. To open the blowhole, a killer whale contracts the muscular flap covering the blowhole. •A whale holds its breath below water. •A killer whale opens its blowhole and begins to exhale just before reaching the surface of the water. • At the surface, the whale quickly inhales and closes the muscular flap.Orcas Breathe with lungs. They take in air at the surface of the water through a blowhole located near the top of the head.Orcas are mammals, so they can not get air from the water with gills. Instead they have a hole on the top of their head called a blow hole. Toothed whales have 1. Baleen whales have 2. Orcas are toothed whales so of course they have 1. Baleen whales have their holes right next to each other, and they only breath through 1. Orcas like all whales and dolphins can close their blow holes before going under water. When the whale comes up to breath, it blow out the air and takes another breath. Sailors used to tell what kind of whale they were looking at by the height and angle of the blow. As the air comes out, so does some water that was on top of its blowhole. When an orca breaths it looks like it is shooting up a fountain of mist!The killer whale, like other dolphins and whales, has a blowhole on the top of its head which it breaths through while surfaced in the water.Orcas breath through their blowhole, which is at the top of their head. When they breath through it, you can see mist shoot up into the air.

How many animals have a blowhole?

Whales, dolphins and porpoises have a blowhole, (or nostrils), on top of their head so they can breathe in and out when they are on the surface of the water. Since they are the only mammals that spend their entire lives in the water, and much of it underneath the surface, they are the only mammals to have a blowhole on top of their head. Most mammals have their nostrils in the front of their face, similar to human beings.

How do killer whales obtain oxygen?

A single blowhole on top of the head is covered by a muscular flap.• A killer whale breathes through its blowhole.• The blowhole is relaxed in a closed position, and the flap provides a water-tight seal. To open its blowhole, a killer whale contracts the muscular flap.

Why do whales breath in their blowholes?

Whales use a blow-hole to take a breath when they come from under water because their mouth is not connected to their lungs like other mammals. They are not mouth breathers. They don't choke on food either.