

Best Answer

yes, it is its really harmful to any dog

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Q: Is rat poision harmful to puppies?
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Puppies in general are not harmful. They can become aggressive if they have been abused or in difficult situations. If you give them the proper care and training puppies should not be harmful to humans or other species of animals.

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Is it harmful for puppies to eat suppositories

What is the oldest a rat terrier can be to have puppies?

By her 2nd heat.

What do rat terrier puppies eat?

Puppy food small bites

What would you call a baby rat?

You could call them puppies or pups or kitten.

Is rat poision a horrible death for rats?

Yes, rat poison is considered inhumane as it typically causes a slow and painful death for rats by affecting their internal organs. There are more humane methods available for controlling rat populations.