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Aerial Animals are Birds, Insects and Batsmostly.

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Q: Is monkey an example of aerial animal?
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What is an example of an animal that goes through a similar kind of life cycle?

A monkey

Is bat an arboreal or aerial animal?

It is a aerial animal but it sleeps at trees

Is parrot an aerial animal?

yes it is

Is parrot aerial animal?

yes it is

Name an animal that is a furry animal with hands feet and a tail?

a type of monkey

What is an aerial animal that migrates?

african hippopotamus

Where does monkey get its name?

the monkey gets its name monkey because people thought to entertain the children with a unique animal and animal name

Animal names that end with y?

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What is the Chinese animal for 2016?

The Chinese zodiac animal for 2016 was the Monkey.

What group does a hawk belong to?

hawk is an aerial animal

Which aerial animal is not a bird?

Bat, because it is a mammal.

Which animal swings by its tail?

One example of an animal that swings by its tail is the spider monkey. Spider monkeys have a prehensile tail that acts like a fifth limb, allowing them to swing from branches and move through trees with agility.