Yes. Shih tzu are usually REALLY picky about food. My shih tzu hates bread because he is very picky.
A Shih Tzu should typically eat two meals a day.
dog food.
None, a Shih-tzu is a Shih-tzu. But it can be mixed with other dogs.
The Shih Tzu
The correct spelling is "Shih Tzu".
Congratulations on getting a Shih Tzu. I have a Shih Tzu mix, and I feed her Innova, but the vet recommended Great Life, Taste Of the Wild, and Pedigree. Hope this helps!
The plural of Shih Tzu is "Shih Tzu". "Shih Tzu" was originally a Chinese word and Chinese words do not have separate singular and plural forms.
Yes, Shih Tzu has an undercoat.
Its alright if shih tzus eat blackberries, so don't be worried at all. :)
In general, dogs cannot eat chocolate. And raisins are even more deadly to dogs than chocolate.