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Yes it is.

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Q: Is it ok to have 2 male cats?
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Related questions

If a male cat's nipples hang low and skin steached is it ok?

Male cats do not have prominent nipples.

Is getting a male kitten OK if you already have an adult female cat?

It depends on if your female cat is sterilized or not. Also, keep in mind that male cats spray or mark their territory and are more likely to do so in a home with multiple cats.

Is it ok for your male cat to lick his sister's butt?

Yes; the male is only cleaning his sister. My cats (both female) tend to do the same thing in various spots.

Are there such things as boy cats?

As in cats that are male? Yes, cats can be male or female.

Do Female cats shed more then male cats?

yes female cats shed more then male cats

Do male cats feel threatened by neutered male cats?


What are tom cats?

They are male cats.

Are male tortieshell cats rare?

Yes. Male tortishell cats are rare

What are testes on cats?

They are testicles on male cats.

Is it ok to bring a female cat to a male cats household?

for one thing, you can't just throw your little lady in the male's territory and hope that all will be well between them. chances are that the felines will most likely fight, but the shelter that i work at may be different from this scenario as there are cats everywhere

How may male cats are adopted each year apposed to female cats?

75% Male cats are most adopted.

What is a male of a tabby-cat called?

Male cats are often called tom-cats or toms. :)