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Yes, it is pretty painful for a mother dog to nurse all the pups at once. just imagine 6 little puppies with sharp little teeth chewing on your nipples!

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Q: Is it ok for the mother dog to breathe heavy while she is nursing the puppies?
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Why does your westie breathe heavy after having her puppies?

Just like humans its hard work and it takes alot out of you.

How heavy are puppies when they are born?

about 4 to 6 ounces

Is it ok to blanket a nursing mare?

Yes, if its not too heavy.

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No, it is not. Unless the person has been exercising

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She will start to pant heavy and look for a place to have the puppies so make sure you have a clean quite place ready for her.

How do you know when puppies are going to be born?

Wen mom starts to pant heavy and looks for a place to have them.

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heavy breathing occurs to breathe out the acid (CO2) in an attempt to correct the acidosis.

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sweat, defecate, breathe heavy, or sleep on the ground...among other things.

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Heavy breathing can be a sign of many things, including that she may be in labor and ready to have her foal. Heavy breathing most commonly means the horse is uncomfortable or has exercised heavily. Mares who are in labor will breathe heavily. Mares who have a foal inside them that is in an awkward position will also be uncomfortable and sometimes breathe heavily.

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Not a lot of nursing care required . Cleaning and dressing the wound and removal of clips or sutures, avoid heavy lifting and straining for a few weeks.

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A pregnant belly can be heavy, depending on the weight of the fetus and the size of the mother in general.

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