Sometimes horses will eat their own feces. Foals (babies) do this to populate their digestive systems with helpful bacteria they need to survive. Older horses usually do this because they are missing a nutrient in their bodies or diets. Sometimes horses eat feces because they are bored, or starving.
their poo
they eat there own poo
yes dogs will not eat there own poo, a dog will only eat it's own poo if it is starving or it is not getting enough nutrients. i have had dogs for a awhile and none of mine has ever eaten its own poo
no but they eat there own poo
if you mean poo then no they never do. would you eat your own poo? hopefully not. cats hate their own poo if anything. cats (and kittens) wont stop trying to cover up their own poo until they cant smell it. so im sure they wont EAT it.
Yes, but it is not recommended to do...
Absolutely not.
Type your answer here... when you eat your own poo
They would eat there own poo or eat there own earwax
They eat their own feces to more effectively digest plant cellulose.
depending if it was a baby they can eat their own poo.