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Well, this depends. Is the cat your cat, or is she a stray? If she's your cat, of course, keep her inside and nurture her until her kittens are weaned and she is at full strength again; if she is not you cat, she's a stray or somebody else's and she doesn't have a collar, do the same to her as you would your own cat. Take care of her and nurture her inside the safety of your own home until she is, and her kittens are, ready to find new homes.

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12y ago
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11y ago

NO! NO NO NO NO NO! You may let your cat or kitten outside but they should never live outside. Be sure to get your cat inside before nightfall. You should NOT let your cat outside if there are many predadores around.(Such as eagles and hawks foxes or coyotes or dogs. Dogs may chase your cat away and it will never come back.) Indoor cats have been prooven to live longer. If you choose to let your kitten out you must soopervise it.

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12y ago

Not necessarily, no. Inside cats live far longer than outside cats. There are ways to let the cat out without letting it out, if that makes any sense. For example, you could build an enclosure and put the cat in it whenever it wants to go out. This would keep it safe from the dangers but still give it what it wants.

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14y ago

never, ever, shall you leave the furry ball outside.

they will pillage the nearby towns

destroy the crops

tarnish your family's honor.


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14y ago

no!They are so sweet and cuddly,they should sleep with a cozy,soft,furry blankie near your feet

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Q: Is it mean to keep cats inside?
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Can a cat that lived inside for a year live outside?

Outside cats live an average of 3 years. Inside cats can live up to 20 years. Keep him inside or train him to be on a leash.

What can be done to keep cats safe?

you can put a collar on it or have a fence that they can't climb or you just keep the cat inside.

What is the life line for cats?

if you keep it inside it will last for at least 21 years or more

Can cats get Westnile?

Yes cats can get the westnile virus, but its more common if they are let outside. The only way they get it inside is if a mosquito got into your house. They are just as volnerable as we are. So your best bet is to keep your cats inside, which is where they should be anyway.

What bugs do indoor cats carry?

Cat owners that keep their cats inside still need to be concerned about their indoor cats carrying bugs. Fleas seem to be a common issue for indoor cats.

How do you keep cats off parked autos at night?

You can put a sticky tape substance on top of the car, or keep the cat inside.

What does Cats not kids mean?

I think i means that cats are much easier to look after and keep control of whereas , kids have a mind of their own.

Why do some cats have bumpy lips?

Cats with bumpy lips may have a condition called eosinophilic granuloma complex, which is an allergic reaction that causes inflammation in the lips. Another possible cause could be a reaction to mosquito bites or other insect stings. It's important to have a veterinarian evaluate the bumps to determine the cause and recommend appropriate treatment.

Why cats cant go out on samhain?

I always make sure my cats are inside on Samhain. There are some very mean people out there that like to target cats on Halloween, they will torture and kill them.Many animal friendly organizations will recommend bringing your animals inside the house on that night.

What are all the animals that you can keep inside?

dogs, cats, birds, any type of insect and lots of others if your house is big enough

How would you stop your cats from getting run over if you live by a road?

keep them inside., tall fence, shock colars, chains

What does it mean when cats keep lifting tail up and says meow?

The same thing it means when you do it.