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Q: Is it legal to sell a kitten under 8 weeks old in Pennsylvania?
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Can you give your kitten purina cat food?

It depends on the age. If your cat is under 4 weeks, NO. A big fat NO. You can give a kitten purina kitten chow once it is weaned. If the kitten is 4 weeks or under, it will need KMR. (Kitten milk replacer) It should be fed with a bottle intended for nursing kittens, NOT a baby bottle with a baby nipple.

How do you determin the age of an abandoned kitten?

Ways to tell the age of a baby kittens. Newborns up to the 10 days have their eyes closed . If a kitten has blue eyes, it is less than 7 weeks old. If the kitten has the umbilical cord attached it is less than 3 days old. Checking a kitten's teeth is a good way to determine how old the kitten is. The centre incisors will erupt from the gums at about 3 weeks, outer incisors about 4 weeks, canines about 4 weeks, upper molars about 8 weeks, lower molars about 5 weeks. Kittens will eat independently at 5 weeks of age. Kittens under 3 weeks aren't toilet trained.

How long do the kitten stay with their parents?

A kitten should stay with its mother for a minimum of eight weeks and preferably 12 weeks.

When will your kitten be weaned from her mother?

A kitten is usually weaned at baout 8 weeks.

Is 12 months old a good age to take a kitten away from its mother?

You can wean at kitten at 8-10 weeks, but you can sell them at 15 weeks.

What can a stray kitten eat?

A stray kitten under 7 weeks of age usually still drinks it's mother's milk. If it does not have a mother that you know of you should bring it to your veterinarian and ask. They may put your kitten in with a mother that just had kittens, or suggest you feed it kitten milk from your grocery store. If they are older than 7 weeks you can try wet or dry cat food and a tiny bowl of milk or some water.

How to determine the sex of a kitten at 5 weeks of age?

To determine the sex of a kitten at 5 weeks of age, you can gently lift the kitten's tail and look for the presence of testicles for a male kitten or a space between the anus and genital opening for a female kitten. It is best to do this with the help of a veterinarian to ensure accuracy.

At what age can you determine the gender of a kitten?

The gender of a kitten can typically be determined at around 6-8 weeks of age.

At what age can you determine the sex of a kitten?

The sex of a kitten can typically be determined at around 6-8 weeks of age.

At what age is it appropriate to adopt a kitten?

It is generally appropriate to adopt a kitten when they are around 8-12 weeks old.

Does the cat take care of the kitten?

Yes, A mama cat takes care of a kitten for weeks and then the kitten becomes old enough to go out on it's own.

How old should a kitten be before its adopted out from its mother and siblings?

The best time for a kitten to be adopted is 12-14 weeks.