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Laws on this vary by jurisdiction. Bear in mind that we field questions from all over the world, so we don't assume we know what your country is.

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Q: Is it legal to posses elephant tusks?
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What substance are elephant tusks made of?

Elephant tusks are made of ivory.

How would you use a possessive noun in the phrase the tusks and ears of an elephant?

The tusks and ears of an elephant show the features possessed by the elephant.

What is a sentence with the tusks and ears of an elephant with a possessive noun?

The possessive form is the elephant's tusks and ears.Example sentence:The rain was dripping from the elephant's tusks and ears.

Would you change elephants tusks to elephants' tusks?

Yes, if you are referring to the tusks belonging to many elephants. If the tusks belong to one elephant, it would be 'elephant's'.

How do you rewrite a possessive noun the tusks and ears of the elephant?

The possessive form is "the elephant's tusks and ears".

What elephant has long curved tusks?

The African elephant

What is a tusker?

A tusker is an elephant with large tusks that extend beyond its mouth. Tuskers are typically male elephants, as females have smaller tusks or none at all. These magnificent creatures are highly prized by poachers for their valuable ivory tusks.

What are the spikes on an elephant?

They are tusks.

How do you write a sentence with a possessive noun the tusks and ears of the elephant?

Example sentence: The elephant's tusks and ears were large.

Do elephants have tusks?

Yes, elephants have tusks. Tusks are elongated, continuously-growing teeth that protrude from their mouths. Elephant tusks are used for various purposes, such as digging, foraging, and defense.

A sentence with the word tusks?

Elephant tusks are now the target of poachers.

What are purposes of elephant's tusks?

Tusks are weapons, essentially built-in spears.