Oh, dude, keeping a possum as a pet in the UK is a big no-no. It's actually illegal under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. So, like, if you were planning on having a possum roommate, you might want to reconsider. Stick to more legal pets, like a goldfish or a hamster, ya know?
Possums are not native animals of the United Kingdom, they may be found in some zoos.
No it is not
Evidently, there is no problem keeping an armadillo as a pet in the UK as there are a number of UK websites offering them for sale,
Yes - they make good pets but you gotta keep them warm in this country
It's certainly LEGAL, but if the animal is healthy and uninjured, it's kinder to return it to the wild.
No. It is considered a wild animal and not native to CA.
Firecrackers are legal in the UK but fireworks are not Legal. So you can bye fireworks in the UK but not firecrackers.
No, it is illegal to keep a raccoon as a pet in the UK. Raccoons are considered non-native invasive species and are prohibited from being kept as pets under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
Keep your dog inside the house
Ferreting is both legal and popular in the UK.
There are 24,000 legal executives in the UK that are qualified and trained.
Yes. Gay, lesbians, trans etc is all legal to be in the UK.
Of course it is, the UK is part of Europe, so European approved helmets are legal in the UK.