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Yes, however, you MUST name it "Fred" and have it neutered. Also, you are encouraged to paint a white stripe down its back , so people think it's only a skunk.

Just kidding. No, it's not only not legal, it's not smart. Racoons are wild animals, they often carry rabies, and will bite the hell out of you. Get a rabbit instead.

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14y ago
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10y ago

It is not illegal to have a pet raccoon in Indiana. However, you will have to get a special permit to keep the animal.

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16y ago

My dad's from Indiana, and yes you can hunt racoons there.

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8y ago

In many states or municipalities it is illegal to have a raccoon or any wild animal as a pet.

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8y ago

In some states it is legal to own a raccoon, in others it is llegal.

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8y ago

In some jurisdictions raccoons are allowed as pets, in other areas it is illegal to keep a raccoon or any wild animal.

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7y ago

No, they are wild animals.

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Q: Is it legal to have a pet raccoon in Tennessee?
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Is it legal to have a raccoon as a pet in Canada?

I don't think so.

Is it legal to keep a Raccoon as a pet in the UK?

No, it is illegal to keep a raccoon as a pet in the UK. Raccoons are considered non-native invasive species and are prohibited from being kept as pets under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

What state has the animal raccoon?

The raccoon is the state mammal of Tennessee.

What is Memphis Tennessee's State Mammal?

Tennessee's State Animal is the American Raccoon.

Is it legal to own a pet elephant or hippo in Davidson county Tennessee?

No, because it is restricted by law in Davidson.

Is it legal for raccoon to be a pet?

Some states allow raccoons to be kept as pets, others do not. You need to check with local authorities, such as a game warden.

Is it legal to have a pet raccoon in Pennsylvania?

I have been told by my veterinarian that it is illegal to have a pet raccoon in PA. I also live in PA and have a baby raccoon that comes around every night to eat. If it is discovered that you have one, the DEC will come, take the animal and kill it to test for rabies. I think this is a stupid law as it is legal to have a pet skunk in PA but not a pet raccoon.

Did Walt Disney have a pet raccoon?


Can a boar raccoon be neutered?

Yes, a male raccoon can be neutered but the animal will still not be a suitable pet.

Is it possible to get a pet raccoon in Western Australia?

No, it is not legal to keep a raccoon as a pet in Western Australia. Raccoons are considered high-risk invasive species and are prohibited from being kept as pets due to the threat they pose to native wildlife and ecosystems. It is important to adhere to local laws and regulations regarding pet ownership to protect the environment.

What type of raccoons live in Tennessee?

The common, or northern, raccoon (Procyon lotor) is the species living in Tennessee.

What president's wife had a pet raccoon for a pet?

President and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge had two pet raccoons.