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rabbits don't live in nests.

Baby rabbits are born in nests!

On game preserves it is illegal to disturb Wild Cottontail nests.

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Q: Is it illegal to steal a baby rabbit from its nest?
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What birds invade a nest and steal baby birds?

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What do you do if a baby rabbit crawls out the nest at 1 day old?

put it back

Do other birds steal baby doves from there nest?

yes because maybe one of the baby's are about to die then the Mather will help them

When can you clean out baby rabbits nest?

It is best to avoid frequent handling and cleaning of a baby rabbit's nest unless absolutely necessary. If the nest appears soiled or damaged, wait until the mother rabbit leaves to feed and quickly replace the bedding with dry hay or straw to prevent baby rabbits from getting cold or exposed. Do not remove baby rabbits from the nest unless there is a clear indication that they are abandoned or in distress.

Is it normal for a rabbit not to make a nest when she is going to have a baby?

How long, is the birth process take Place?

Are rabbit nests made for baby rabbits?

A male rabbit would not make the actual nest for the female but he would be very happy for his fur to be pulled out for the babies to have a comfortable nest. Any rabbit in the pen wouldn't mind the mother rabbit pulling there fur out for a nest because rabbits LOVE to be respected.

Will a rabbit mother return to a baby touched by a dog?

Most likely its not like a bird when it will ditch if you touch its nest

You moved the rabbit nest as she had it on your bed and now the mother will not go to it what do you do she will only feed the baby on the bed?

what you would do is make something that looks like a bed and put the nest on that and that should do it

Your rabbit has made a nest with newspaper magazines and straw behind its hutch why is this and should you clean it up?

Your rabbit could possibly be pregnet and be getting ready for birth of baby rabbits.

What if a bunny eats her own nest?

A rabbit would not eat its nest, only rabbit food or food.

How long can a mother rabbit delay labor if her nest is disturbed?

WELL if you disturbed the nest leave it alone for a long time, make sure you do not touch the nest because she can be so stressed and scared that she will hold the babies in and then she and her kits(baby rabbits) will die!

How early can your rabbit give birth for her baby's to live she is due to have her baby's this Saturday and its Monday she has already started nesting and pulling her hair out is this normal?

Some does will nest and nest and nest. They will pull fur really early and continue to pull until they are just about nude. This could be normal for your doe even if it is not the norm for most rabbits.