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No, but too much sugar is bad for bunnies.

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Q: Is it bad to feed your bunny bananaas covered in sugar?
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How do you teach your bunny to sing?

feed it carrots

how much should i feed my bunny?

you shoud feed your bunny or bunnies foods like carrots (not to much) pellots ,hey ,cucmbers and water

Can you feed the bunny chocolate?

No! Chocolate is very bad for animals. Stick to healthy vegetables and fruits for your bunny. You should never feed animals chocolate it will give them diarrhea and in most cases the will die, even if they have a little bit of chocolate. Don't feed your bunny chocolate.

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feed it out of its cage

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How do I feed a bunny?

It is best to hand feed your bunny so they get used to you. But feed them things like carrots and rabbit pellets. DO NOT FEED THE ICEBERG LETTUCE. ITS HIGHLY TOXIC!!

Can you feed a bunny sweet potatoes?

I dont think so

If you put yeast and sugar in a flask without water what would you put in a flask for yeast to break down sugar?

Yes it can feed on sugar substitutes Yes it can feed on sugar substitutes Yes it can feed on sugar substitutes

What low sugar treat can you feed your horse?

for a treat you can feed a horse carrots, apples and sugar cubes!

Can you feed baby bunny celery?

It really depends on what bunny, theirs wild bunnies and home pets. If you have a home serve bunny then it would be O.K to feed it milk, wildly NO you shouldn't be coming up to wild bunnies anyways unless you have a job with national gegraphic of somthing!:) Hoped i helped

Why would you only feed a bunny sugary things?

why would you fee a bunny sugary things??? they eat things like carrots and lettuce.

What do you feed ants?

Feed them anything but sugar makes them hyper.