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Human was bone in body side ,looking for fish us body stretcher for bone .

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Q: Is human DNA closer to a chimp or dolphin?
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Is there a closer DNA match than a chimp?

A banana.

Which primate is closer in DNA to human?


What is the 2 percent difference of monkey and man?

The difference between human and chimp DNA is not a mere 1 or 2 percent but at least 15 percent. It must also be noted that chimpanzees have 24 pairs of chromosomes and humans have 23 pairs, so there is a definite discontinuity. Human genes are also arranged differently compared to chimps. Furthermore, neither human nor chimp DNA has been fully sequenced. Human DNA will probably be sequenced within the next two years, but chimp DNA has a much lower priority, and so will be completed much later. Until they are both fully sequenced, a proper comparison cannot be made.

How do you make thing on alxemy?

Lightning+Mud=Dna DNA+DNA=Virus Bird+Coal=Crow Crow+Paint=Magpie Bird+Darkness=Owl Bird+Paint=Penguin Bird+Cat=Catbird Air+Lizard=Bird Earth+Lizard=Mammal Mammal+Tree=Chimp Tree+Air=Flute Chimp+Flute=Human Human+Virus=Zombie

What has the author Jeremy Taylor written?

Jeremy Taylor has written: 'Not a chimp' -- subject(s): Popular works, Animal behavior, Human genetics, DNA, Human evolution

How do you make things on alxemy game?

Lightning+Mud=Dna DNA+DNA=Virus Bird+Coal=Crow Crow+Paint=Magpie Bird+Darkness=Owl Bird+Paint=Penguin Bird+Cat=Catbird Air+Lizard=Bird Earth+Lizard=Mammal Mammal+Tree=Chimp Tree+Air=Flute Chimp+Flute=Human Human+Virus=Zombie

Is monkey blood the same as human blood?

the 287 hemoglobin units in a chimp are the same 287 hemoglobin units in a human. Humans did evolve from the chimp as did the gibbon,orangutan,gorilla and monkey. These animals cannot exchange blood with a chimp because it would kill them. They are not the same species because they evolved from the chimp.Humans did not evolve from the chimp because they have the 287 identical hemoglobin units as a chimp. The common chimp, the bonobo and the human have identical hemoglobin along with 98.4% same DNA. Go weigh it out.

You share 99.8 percent of your DNA with Ronald Reagan how much of your DNA do you share with bonzo his chimp co-star?

Humans and chimpanzees share about 98% of the same DNA. So, you would share roughly the same amount of DNA with Bonzo, the chimp co-star of Ronald Reagan.

How can you impact DNA for a science fair project?

You could run DNA of a human and a dog in an electrophoresis gel and show that the DNA is closely related but not the same and make notes that primates are closer to the DNA sequence of humans.

How is jellyfish DNA different from human DNA?

Jellyfish and human DNA are both made up of the same 4 nucleotide bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine) but the arrangement and sequences of these bases differ between the two species. Additionally, jellyfish DNA may contain genes that enable them to bioluminesce, which is a characteristic not found in human DNA. Overall, the genetic makeup of jellyfish is optimized for their marine environment and unique biological functions.

What may be the model organism for AIDS study?

Besides humans, some look at primates that are closer to human DNA.

Why does a chimp have DNA?

A Chimpanzee is a living creature and all living creatures have DNA, so naturally a chimpanzee does. DNA contains the genetic code for life, so chimpanzees need to have DNA.