Carob is a safe alternative to chocolate for dogs as it does not contain theobromine or caffeine, which are harmful to them. It can be used as a dog-friendly substitute for chocolate in treats and snacks.
It is not safe to feed Cheetos to dogs as they are high in fat, salt, and artificial ingredients that can be harmful to their health. It is best to stick to dog-friendly treats specifically made for them.
is snake repellent harmful to dogs
Cheerios are not bad for dogs but look and see if you have any time to go to pet smart and get real treats. Dog treats there are cheap and great quality for a dog. My dog goes crazy for those treats!
Well the answer is yes and no? Cats just like dogs eat grass to induce vomiting. The reason they do this, is that they've eaten something that doesn't agree with them and they want to puke it out. As long as the grass doesn't have chemicals or pesticides nothing to worry about really.
Dogs like treats or sometimes a bely rub for a treat.
I dont know the answer to the question! :(((
Dog treats!
I think, (not sure) it's because they are itching their backs