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sometimes it does

it depends on how warm the milk is

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Q: Is giving warm milk good for puppies?
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Related questions

What do puppies and kittens eat?

Mostly warm milk. I once had puppies and kittens. We used to let them drink milk out of a small bottle.

Can puppies get milk from another dog if it is not the mother?

Goat milk, preferably raw, but the kind in the grocery store will work too. Avoid canned. Canned milk specially for puppies can be used, but it is very expensive for just 1 can, and goat milk is proven to be the best alternative for puppies.

Can you give a 11 week old puppy milk?

No, regular cow's milk is not good for puppies or dogs, will cause diarrhea. Your pup should be on a good name brand dry puppy food. If you have to add anything to the dry puppy food, then add some warm water.

How do you make puppies sleep right away?

give the puppy lots of milk and then put it in bed, under a warm blanket

If a female dog gives birth but does not take care of the puppies what do I do?

There may be nothing you can do, but give her a few hours to take care of the puppies. If it is her first litter, she may need time to adjust. If she still does not care for them you might try feeding them youself by mixing milk powder and warm water, and giving it to them from a baby bottle, but there are no guarantees.

Are bananas in warm milk good?

very good indeed

Are boxer puppies cold or warm blooded?

Boxer puppies are warm blooded like all puppies/dogs.

Is it safe to give 4week old pups cows milk to eat?

It is not safe to give cows milk to 4-week-old puppies. Puppies' digestive systems cannot properly digest lactose in cows milk, which can lead to stomach upset, diarrhea, and dehydration. It's best to stick to formula specifically designed for puppies or consult with a veterinarian for advice.

Name a phrase that has the word milk in it?

I love warm milk with a tad of sugar. Chocolate milk is really good! ~Hope that helped!

What kind of milk can a 5 week old puppy drink?

Yes. It is always best for the puppies to receive the mother's milk. Colostrum is the first milk that the mother dog produces, which is necessary for the puppies to receive within the first 24 hours of life, so that they receive natural bacteria in their guts, and receive the mother's antibodies. If the mother is incapable of giving milk to the puppies, if the puppies were found without their mother, or the mother has died, you can get milk supplement in the form of a powder from a pet store. It works much the same as human milk formulas, and comes with directions for how often they should be given it.

How do rabbits care for their babies?

Mother Rabbits care for their babies by burrowing them to keep them warm and giving them milk once a day.

What makes a bat considered a mammal?

Giving birth to live babies.It has hair.It is warm bloodedIt feeds its babies milk.