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Q: Is giraffe a grassland animal
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Related questions

What is the largest animal you can think of that lives in the grassland?

Lions, Elephant's, Giraffe's, and Bison.

What biome does the giraffe live in?

The biome in which the giraffe lives in is the grassland.

List two organisms that ilustrate mutualism in the biome grassland.?

a lion and giraffe

Which is the longest animal elephant or giraffe?


What is the tallest animal the world?

a giraffe

Is giraffe an example for animal tropism?

no because animal dose not have to do with giraffe yaeh

What Animal tongue can be 18 inch long?

The giraffe.

Is giraffe wild or domestic?

A giraffe is a wild animal.

How do you spell gariffee?

The correct spelling of the African animal is "giraffe".

What are the animals that are omnivores in the grassland?

waht animal are omnivore that live in the grassland?

What animal is related to a giraffe?

The giraffe is related to the deer, cattle and okapi.

What tpye of places does the giraffe live in?

giraffe's are living in savannas,grassland or open woodland.they enjoy roaming through both dense forest and open plains.