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The Opposite. If my neighbors dogs bark at me say for instance, at the sound of my keyboard, or a mouse click, or setting a bowl or a spoon down in my kitchen, or pulling on a roll of toilet paper or showering, or shaving, brushing my teeth, etc., etc., etc.....

This an invasion of "my privacy"

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Q: Is directing a ultrasonic device at a neighbors barking dog an invasion of privacy?
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Related questions

What do you do when your neighbors have a barking cat that they cannot control?

Not sure about a barking cat but you could always call the police.

What is the meaning of bark control?

Barking control is related to the dog's barking. It is a device which trains the dogs on controlling the barking with the help of the UV rays. This can really help to avoid disturbing neighbors.

What kinds of collars prevent dogs from barking?

Collars which prevent dogs from barking include ultrasonic collars and training collars. The first creates a high pitch sound which distracts and ultimately deters the dog from barking and the second may use electrical stimulations used to train the dog not to bark.

Is dog barking a crime?

Not until your neighbors start calling the local authorities to complain - In some places it is a misdemeanor. A noise complaint.

What is the best way to deal with neighbors with barking dogs?

shoot the dog, lol or you could always ask your neighbor politely to do something about it.

How do you stop your neighbor's dog from barking?

A (Safe) Alternative to Prevent Your Dog From Barking A dog parent can also try safe ultrasonic bark control. When your dog barks the ultrasonic bark control unit emits a high frequency sound that only your dog can hear. Each dog bark triggers the bark control unit to emit the sound. The dog will stop barking when he/she hears it. Soon the dog will realize that their barking causes the uncomfortable noise and will stop barking. The ultrasonic bark control is not recommended in a house with cats since they are also able to hear the high frequency sound.There are two types of Safe Ultrasonic Bark Controls: Indoor and Outdoor. The Indoor Bark Control unit sits on any flat surface in your house. The Outdoor Bark Control looks like a Birdhouse and can be placed on any outside tree. The device not only looks great for your outdoor decor but an added benefit is controls not only your dog from barking but also your neighbor's barking dog. The Indoor Bark Control unit can be controlled manually or automatically. Manually means you will press the button when you hear your dog bark. Automatic means the device will emit the sound when it picks up the dog bark. The product is manufactured by a reputable company called Petsafe.

How Can I Stop My Dog from Barking?

Barking is a noisy but completely normal part of dog communication. But if your pooch is very frequently or for long periods of time, this isn’t only annoying for you (and your neighbors) – it could also be a sign of deeper issues your dog is experiencing. It’s important to act early to prevent normal barking, or the reasons for barking, developing into something more serious.

What kinds of problem do people have with their neighbors?

People have been having many problems with their neighbors for a long time. These problems can include making too much noise, barking dogs, dirty yards and being nosy.

How do you get neighbors dog to stop barking?

you would give the owner of the dog an anti stress pill or two to calm them down and then give them a bone

How do you stop a dog barking uncontrollably?

If you have problems with your dog barking outside or a problem with your neighbor's dog barking too much there is a great solution. Petsafe makes an Outdoor Bark Control that looks like a birdhouse. You simply hang it from a tree in your backyard and when your dog or your neighbor's dog barks, the Outdoor Bark Control emits a high pitch tone. The tone is unpleasant for your dog or your neighbor's dog to hear so he/she will stop barking. The dog will soon discover that the barking triggers the sound and will end their barking. Petsafe also makes an Ultrasonic Indoor Bark Control. Petsafe is a company specializing in safe, high quality pet products.

Can you file a complaint for a barking dog?

Yes. Most municipalities have noise ordinances that prohibit excessively barking dogs. Be aware though that once you begin down the road of complaining about neighbors, you have started a war. Be prepared to see it to the end, be that truce, surrender, or victory.

Does a barking dog considered disturbing the peace?

Depending upon the wording of the statute and the circumstances, yes, it can be. A constantly barking dog that cannot, or will not, be controlled by the owner, and disturbs the neighbors can be deemed to be disturbing the peace (or a 'public nuisance' or however the appropriate statute may be worded).