deet bag limits, anderson county, texas
I would try deep woods off. You will have to apply it heavy though. If you need something with more deet in it, check with Wal-Mart and see if they still sell 100% deet liquid.
The deer are kept overnight in elevated pens which have a drain and collection system in the floor for catching the urine.
No, DEET is the organic compound diethyltoluamide.
DEET is a very strong insect repelent!
Deet = money + bank
Yes, DEET spray will kill scabies. DEET spray can be purchased at most retail store such as Walmart and pharmacy's such as CVS.
hunters use coon urine as a cover scent to hide their own scent from deer- place a small amount on the bottom of your hunting boots and the deer are less likely to know you had walked there-
DEEt is an acronym for N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide, a pesticide.
Not nearly as bad as dog urine. In other words, no not really.
Cat urine is very effective, especially mountain lion urine if you can get it.