Chessie Moore's birth name is Robin Lynn Morgan.
Only the most amazing name ever. It's great celebrity material. -Chessie, Tennessee.
Yes, it is. Sorry, but I disagree.
Chessie Moore is 5' 8".
Chessie System ended in 1980.
Chessie System was created in 1973.
There are several animals named Chessie. One is said to be a "sea monster," whatever that is. There is also a manatee named Chessie.
"Chessie" is a sea serpent located in the Chesapeake bay region. It is similar to Nessie in that there is "evidence" of it but it is not good enough to confirm its existence scientifically, as well as serval who claim to have seen it.
Chessie, the legendary sea monster, is said to live in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay. Chessie's first reported sighting was in 1943, with the last sighting in 1997.
Chase sounds like a good dog's name to me
Abby would be a good name for a dog, in my opinion.
kibble is a good dog name if you like it but i like the name kibble