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That is a loaded question. And really, when it comes to companion animal nutrition you are bound to get multiple different answers. But here is what I have discovered in my studies of it. Dogs are unable to break down cellulose. Is it harmful? No, but it is unnecessary Cellulose is present in all plant cell walls. This includes your vegetables, fruits, grains, etc. Want to test it out? Give your dog a carrot, and then monitor your dogs poop. You will be able to see the chewed up bits of carrots in the stool. This is because the carrot is not being broken down in the digestive track. Because dogs are unable to break down cellulose, they are unable to receive the nutritional value of fruits, veggies, and grains. Unless the fruits, veggies, and grains are pureed into a liquid like substance. Pureeing them breaks down the cell walls and makes the plants nutritionally available.

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Q: Is cellulose harmful in pet food?
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