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Q: Is camel a herbivorous or a carnivorous?
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Can You Name Insectivores?

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Is a giraffe herbivorous or carnivorous?

girrafe is herbivorous.

What is the opposite of a carnivorous animal?

A carnivorous animal is one whose diet largely comprises of meat. The opposite of a carnivorous animal is a herbivorous animal. A herbivorous animal eats plants only.

Do carnivorous plants eat herbivorous insects?

Yes, they do.

Are Asian elephants carnivorous herbivore or omnivore?


What are the four division of animals?

omnivorous, carnivorous, herbivorous, and amphibians

Do elk eat prairie dogs?

No. Elk are herbivorous, not carnivorous.

Is the cheetah herbivorous?

No, cheetahs, like all cats, are carnivorous.

What is the word for a creature who does not eat meat It is not omivorous or carnivorous but...?


What does a lizard consume?

Some lizards are herbivorous and some are carnivorous.

Are parakeets carnivores or omnivore or herbivores?

Parakeets are NOT carnivorous. They are herbivorous.