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No, Camels belong to the Genus Camelus.

Bovine animals belong to the subfamily Bovinae, and include domestic cattle, bison, buffalo and yaks.

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Q: Is camel a bovine
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If a cow is a bovine what is a camel?

Camels belong the biological family Camelidae and the genus Camelus. The average lifespan for a camel is from 40 to 50 years.

Why doesn't camel milk clot?

Unlike other animal milks, camel milk does not coagulate easily and bovine rennet does not help to coagulate the milk effectively.

What quality of camel's milk prevents it from curdling making it more difficult to process into cheese?

Rennet that works for bovine cheese does not work as well for camels. Calcium phosphate and vegetable rennet need to be added to camel rennet. The EU does not allow camel cheese.

What is the male camel called?

A male camel is called a bull ..... Scientists call them "bulls" as in this article: "Infertility in the dromedary bull" or just "male camels" as in this other one: "Hormonal and behavioral patterns in the male camel". According to Merriam-Webster Online dictionary, a bull is: a) male bovine; especially : an adult uncastrated male domestic bovine b) a usually adult male of various large animals (as elephants, whales, or seals)

What has the author John Henry Steel written?

John Henry Steel has written: 'A Treatise On The Diseases Of The Ox - A Manual of Bovine Pathology' 'A manual of the diseases of the camel and of his management and uses ..' -- subject(s): Accessible book

Which candy has bovine flops in it?

Milk Duds have bovine flops in them and in some areas have been called bovine flops. Cowtails also have bovine in them.

What is a synonym for bovine that starts with c?

Bovine = Cow

When was Going Bovine created?

Going Bovine was created in 2009.

What is another compound word for bovine fellow?

Bovine kind.

What is the definition of bovine?

A bovine is a ox like or cow like animal

What animals have humps?


How do you use bovine in a sentence?

The word "bovine" can be used as a noun or an adjective.Used as a noun it would be:"His size, as well as his horns, made the bull an impressive bovine."Used as an adjective it would be:"Our car was trapped by the bovine herd."