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Q: Is banana good for ulcer
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No yogurt is not good for ulcers. Dairy is very acidic and that only irritates the ulcer more

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The ulcer diet is good because it means that you avoid hot and spicy foods. This is good for your ulcer, and makes eating not hurt as much, it also means a lot of dairy products.

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Yes you can in fact oatmeal is good for peptic ulcer since the oats make it easier for acid refllux to settle on your stomach

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I don't think its a good idea NyQuil has alcohol in it and a few other ingredients that can irritate an ulcer

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Ulcer of stomach known as Gastric ulcer. Ulcer in small intestine known as small bowel ulcer

What is a good banana and orange knock knock joke?

*Knock Knock "Who's There?" ''Banana'' "Banana Who? *Knock Knock "Who's There?" ''Banana'' "Banana Who? *Knock Knock "Who's There?" ''Banana'' "Banana Who? *Knock Knock "Who's There?" ''Orange'' "Orange Who?" ''Orange you glad I didn't say banana''

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Is plaintain banana good for you?


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Is rubbing alcohol and banana good to rub on you?

i didnt try that, but i think alcohol is dangerous while banana is good for the skin to rub

How does Dennis Lee's poem Anna Banana go?

Anna Banana, jump into the stew Gravy and carrots are good for you. Good for your teeth, And your fingernails too. So Anna Banana, jump into the stew!


A banana is a good source of potassium. One banana has about 450 milligrams worth of potassium. At about 23 % of your daily value, a banana is a great healthy choice!!