abandonment issues.
The difference bettween a Jack Russell Terrier and a Parson Russell Terrier is the Parson Russell Terrier has Longer legs and therfore is not as stocky as the Jack Russell terrier, but because the Parson Russell Terrier has longer legs it is also a little faster Than the Jack Russell terrier. The Parson is recognised by the Kennel Club, it is a "pedigree dog" with a breed standard. The Jack Russell comes in many shapes and sizes, it is not recognised by the K.C. and has no breed standard. They both can have rough, broken or smooth coats.
George Washington looked like an average sized man ( at the time ) with white hair with curled ends. He wore what seemed like tight white pants. His face was ovalish and he had a normal size nose. He did not wear glasses. He had a big nose and a white face and white hair and he had red cheeks.
Jack Frost
yes it is completely normal.
My German Shepherd is white with a pink nose! <3
White-nose syndrome
From the song "The Christmas Song" also known as: Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire, it is Jack Frost nipping at your nose.
A white tiger's nose is typically pink in color.
Jack Frost is nipping at your nose!
yeah normal