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Q: Is a tiger a predator or a producer for a composer?
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Is a tiger a predator or prey?

A tiger is considered a predator as it hunts and feeds on other animals for sustenance. It typically preys on various ungulates such as deer and wild boar.

Is a white tiger a consumer or producer?

a white tiger is a producer

Is a tiger a predator or a pray?

A tiger can be a predator sometimes, but can also be the pray at others.

Is a white lion a predator of the tiger?

No, the white lion is not a predator of the tiger.

Is Stevie Wonder a composer?

Yes, he is a singer, composer and producer.

Is the Siberian tiger a prey or a predator?

The Siberian tiger is an apex predator and has no predators except man.

Is the Siberian tiger a predator or a prey?

The Siberian tiger is an apex predator and has no predators except man.

Is Kanye West a Composer?

He is a producer

What is the predator of the white tiger?

The main predators of the white tiger are humans, due to poaching and habitat destruction. In the wild, they would face threats from other large predators such as tigers, leopards, and crocodiles.

What is a predator of the white Bengal tiger?

the white tiger is almost extinct so its only "predator" is humans

What is the difference between a composer and a producer?

A composer is the person who arranges a song and puts it in a order. A producer just simply puts it out there with his money and records it