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No, the red fox is a secondary consumer and an omnivore.

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Q: Is a red fox a primary consumer?
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Where does a red fox fall on a food chain?

The red fox is a secondary consumer and feeds mostly on primary consumers.

Is a red fox a consumer or a decomposer?

A red fox is a consumer.

Is a swift fox a primary consumer yes or no?

No, a swift fox is a secondary consumer.

Are foxes a consumer?

a fox is a consumer. it is an omnivores with means it is an animals that eat both plants and other animals. a producer is usually plants.

Are fox primary consumers?

According to science foxes eats rats,squirrels and the can be categorized as a primary consumer and even a secondary consumer......but mostly known as a tertiary consumer.

What is the role of the gray fox in a food web?

The red fox is a secondary consumer and is both predator and prey.

Where is the red fox on the food chain?

The red fox is a secondary consumer and an omnivore.

Is the red panda a primary consumer?

No it's a secondary consumer

Which organism is the secondary consumer in this food chain Aspen Rabbit Snake Hawk?

A rabbit is a primary consumer since it is a herbivor a secondary consumer would be an animal that eats the primary consumer like a fox.

What is the red foxes trophic level?

Because of their varied diet, red foxes are hard to be classified within a trophic level.

Use primary consumer in a sentence?

The primary consumer, such as a rabbit, feeds on plants in the food chain before being consumed by a secondary consumer like a fox.

What consumer level is a fox?

A fox would be considered as a secondary consumer. It is a secondary consumer because it eats other animals as well as it is eaten by other animals.