weimreilera mutt
Siberian Pitbull? Pitsky? You could just say Pitbull Husky mix, or a mutt. :)
An unpredictable mutt.
A MUTT is worth NOTHING... This MUTT will merely add to the unwanted dog population.
Mixing a pitbull with another breed is a bad move. Breeders will not recommend so.
Male- chops Female-stormy or name it after your favorite boxer
Like a cross between a pit bull and a boxer?
You should never breed a pitbull with no other breed. Pitbulls have a well and stable temparent. Mixing pitbulls with other breeds is corrupting the breed. The only breed you should mix with a pitbull, is another pitbull.
Now a days, pedigree dogs are dying horrible deaths. In the related links box below, I posted a documentary on pedigree dogs. Pitbulls on the other hand, doesn't have this genetic charasteristics. This is a mutt characteristic.
Not really any more or less common than any type of mutt. There are a lot of Pit mixes. So not really.
It's a mutt so they could live up to 14 easily. Because its a mix no on can be certain.