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depends if they went to College or not

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Q: Is a pigs brain bigger than a humans?
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How long is a fetal pigs spleen?

Since pigs and humans are so much alike, the pigs spleen is only half of a humans. This is so, because, humans are bigger than pigs, so it only makes sense that pigs' spleen is half the size of a human being's. :)

What differences in brains does dogs and human have?

the only difference between their brains is the size because most humans have bigger skulls than dogs so that allows them to have a bigger brain and the bigger the brain the more your brain absorbs the information.

What is the name of the animal with the largest brain in the world?

The animal with the largest brain in the world is the sperm whale, specifically its brain is the largest of any animal known to have ever existed.

Are bones in humans stronger than pigs?

Not exactly. Pigs' bones tend to be a bit thicker and denser than that of a humans'.

Are pigs cleaner than humans?

Pigs are actually quite clean animals and will create a separate area for their bathroom away from where they eat and sleep. However, humans generally have higher standards of cleanliness and hygiene practices.

Do lions have bigger brain than monkeys?

Yes, lion has bigger brain weight of 200 grams than monkey's brain weight of 176 grams.

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Is an elephants brain bigger than a humans?

nope infact research shows that an elephants brain is actually the size of a peanut and our brain is the size of both our fists put together so our brains our actually larger than a giant elephants appearance does not matter when it comes to brain size.:)

Is guinea pigs brains the size of there poop?

About but not quite. guinea pigs brains are bigger than poop.

Why is birth more dangerous from humans than for other animals?

It is becasue the brain of the baby in human is three or four time bigger than other animals and it has to pass through.

Is a tortoise's brain bigger than a goldfish's?

Yes a lot bigger.

In what ways are humans and fetal pigs different?

Theres a whole latta differences between a human body and a pig fetus which is jst about everything down do DNA and chromasomes but the difference between a fetal human n a fetal pig is the DNA, chromosomes, and development