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the panda is born alive

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Q: Is a panda born alive or hatched?
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Is an amphibian born alive or hatched?

These life forms and be hatched and born alive, mostly hatched though.

Are panda cubs born or hatched?

Yes, they're born.

Are reptiles born alive o hatched?

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How about a whale it is hatched from eggs or born alive?

They are born alive

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the fish are hatched :D

Is a calf born alive or hatched from egg?

Calves are born alive

Is panda born alive?

Yes, a panda is born alive. When born, they are tiny, blind, and pink, with few hairs.

Is a dolphin hatched from a egg or born alive?

Baby dolphins (called calves) are born alive.

Are koalas- born alive or hatched as an egg?

Koalas are marsupials; therefore, they are born alive. Monotremes are the only mammals hatched from eggs, and the only monotremes are the echidna and the platypus.

How about a butterfly and a turtle it is hatched from eggs or born alive?

Both are hatched from eggs. Neither are mammals

Are sugar gliders born alive or hatched?

Sugar Gliders are mammals so their young are born alive.