Yes, these animals are vertebrates because they do have an internal skeleton and a backbone made up of vertebrae plus the other characteristics of a vertebrate. Although they are called "Killer Whales", the Orca is not actually a whale. They are the largest member of the dolphins. Orca are dolphins, dolphins are mammals, all mammals are vertebrates.
For more information on vertebrates and invertebrates, see the related questions.
A killer whale is considered a type of vertebrate. It is a type of mammal, and they are vertebrates with spines.
Yes, an Orca (Killer Whale) has an internal skeleton and a spine, so is a vertebrate.
the orca whale can be endangered but i think it is not endangered
Yes they are the same killer whale is another name for Orca's. :)
Yes, an orca and a killer whale are the same mammal.
The killer whale (orca)
Killer whale.
Killer Whale
The orca or killer whale is a carnivore. It is also not a true whale, but a large dolphin species.
The name of a female orca or killer whale is a cow. The name of a male killer whale is a bull and the name of a baby killer whale is a calf!
Orcinus Orca Killer Whale blackfish
yes they are vertebrates!