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there not indanger species

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Q: Is a killer whale a indanger species?
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Related questions

Species of a whale?

There are lots of species of whales . A killer whale is an example . :)

How many Killer whale species are there?

The killer whale is a species of the dolphin family; there are 5 types, based of geography.

What is the biggest species?

killer whale

What is the largest species of dolphins?

The killer whale (orca)

Is the killer whale the smallest whale?

No acctually it is the largest species of dolphin

Which is the fastest whale in the world?

One of the fastest whale species is called the killer whale. Another fast whale species is called the fin whale.

Why are killer whales endanger?

The killer whale is not an endangered species! See IUCN Redlist for details on this species.

What is causing the killer whale become extinct and endangered?

The killer whale as a species is not an endangered species, although there are a couple of declining local populations. But the species as a whole is doing fairly well.

What is a young of an killer whale?

The young of any whale species is called a calf.

How do they get the name killer whale?

The killer whale is surprisingly not a whale that Is what is often misleading about them. The killer whale is actually a species of dolphin in the oceanic dolphin family delphinidae the reason it got its name is because people saw the dolphin hunting and killing whales at first the killer whale was called the killer of whales but then it eventually got shortened to killer whale

what is the largest dolphin species?

the orca or killer whale

When were killer whales put on the endangered species list?

The killer whale is not an endangered species, listed as low concern by the IUCN.