a killer whale .
killer whales are a natural killer but it kills sea lions only and as far as i know there havent been any killer whales attack to any human. whale shark are a gentle creauture and very diffrent then killer whales . there havent been any whale shark attack to human . In my point of view killer whale is tougher then whale shark because the killer whale is fast has a good and killer sized teeth.
killer whale and a shark
A killer whale and whale shark are 2 completely different animals. Killer Whales is a member of the dolphin family. A whale shark is part of the fish family as sharks are fish.
A killer whale is stronger than a crocodile and a shark combined.
a shark
gota b a killer whale
A killer whales do eat sharks. A killer whale can be twice as big as a great white alone and no shark can stand in their way when they are hungry
Shark. Beacause its quick and has sharp teeth
great white shark because the shark could eat the inside of a whale