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Q: Is a kangaroo's tail cartilage or bone?
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Related questions

What is a dogs tail made of?

bone, fat, flesh and fur on the outside. bone, fat, flesh and fur on the outside.

What is present in bone either bone or cartilage?

Bone starts out as cartilage and as it matures it becomes bone...

What is a cat tail made out of?

Bone but the very top of it is made of cartilage.

What cartilage articulates with another bone or bone process?

Articular cartilage

What cartilage articulates from bone to bone?

hyaline cartilage is located in between bones

Is a sharks tooth cartilage or bone?

Teeth are teeth, neither cartilage or bone. But more similar to bone than cartilage.

What is the covering of a bone to which ligaments and tendons are attached?


What is the term for the process of cartilage turning into bone?

The process of cartilage turning into bone is called ossification. During ossification, cartilage cells are replaced by bone cells, leading to the formation of bone tissue.

What do ligaments and cartilage do?

ligaments connect bone to bone cartilage is a connective tissue

Is your ear bone or cartilage?

The human ear (the bit that sticks out of the side of your head) is made of cartilage. However, inside the ear (in the middle hear behind the eardrum) there are 3 bones (the stirrup, the hammer and the anvil) made of bone.

Is it true that bone cartilage and tendons are muscle tissue?

No, bone, cartilage, and tendons are not muscle tissue.

What is the fraction of the cartilage?

Cartilage is the soft bone in i.e. your ears and nose. A break in this bone is a fraction.