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no, a joint is where the two bones meet... Joint: the point of contact between elements of an animal skeleton whether movable or rigidly fixed together with the surrounding and supporting parts

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Q: Is a joint a bone
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Is the shin bone a piviot joint?

The tibia, or shin bone, is not a joint.

What part of the skeleton is a ball and socket joint?

The hip bone and the shoulder bone its the knee bone joint

What type of joint is the hip bone?

The hip bone is a ball and socket joint.

What are terms used for displacement of a bone from its joint?

Partial displacement of a bone from its joint is a medical subluxation. Complete displacement of a bone from its joint is a dislocation.

Is a knee a joint bone or tendon?

The knee itself is made of ligaments cartilage and bone, and the kneecap is made of bone.

What are the major joints of the lower limb?

The major joints of the lower limb include the hip joint (ball and socket joint connecting the thigh bone to the pelvis), the knee joint (hinge joint connecting the thigh bone to the shin bone), and the ankle joint (hinge joint connecting the shin bone to the foot).

Name three types of articulations in the body?

The three functional articulations are synarthrosis which is an immovable join and example would be a suture, amphiarthrosis a slightly immovable joint an example is the symphysis, and last the diarthrosis a freely movable joint such as the elbow or knee joint.

What is the different between bone and joint?

a bone moves when a joint doesn't.Bones are stiff, joints are bendy.

What hold the bone together at the joint?

Ligaments hold bone to bone, normally in a complex working together to keep the joint stable. Also tendons tether muscle to bone around the joint to increase stability as well.

Joint between scram and hip bone?

The joint between the sacrum and the hip bone is the sacroiliac joint. It is also known as the SI joint. They form the articular surfaces.

Occurs when the bone is forced out of its joint?

The generic term for a bone that is displaced at the joint is "luxated". A partially dislocated joint may be called subluxated.

What occurs when a bone is forced out of its joint?

When a bone is forced out of its joint, it is called a dislocation. This causes severe pain, swelling, and loss of joint function. It is important to seek medical attention promptly to properly realign the joint and prevent further injury.