Yes, the Canidae family consists of domesticated dogs, coyotes, foxes, jackals, and wolves.
Fox = canine, Cat=Feline.
Foxes are in a dog family called the Canidae, small or medium sized dogs with busy tails, lots of fur, pointed ears, and a thin snout.
A fox is a canine, a "dog" or canid, that is found in the wild. It is not a cat or feline. A link can be found below.
A dog. It's part of the dog family along with wolves, dogs, jackals, coyotes, etc.
A hyena belongs to the family Hyaenidae and is not classified as a canine (dog) or a feline (cat). It is a unique family of carnivorous mammals that is separate from both the Canidae (dog) and Felidae (cat) families.
They are in the family Canidae, which dogs and wolves are in too.
Fox = canine, Cat=Feline.
Yes foxes are related to dogs.
A lupine is a wolf.
No. Lions are feline(cats), not canine(dogs).
A cat a feline companion.Note, canine refers to a dog.