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Smarter is all subjective.

Can a dog do division? No.

Can a dog survive in the wild on their own? Yes.

It all depends on what skills you are taking into account. By the adolescent years, both dogs and humans have pretty developed problem solving skills.

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Q: Is a dog smarter than a 5th grader?
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Train the dog and teach it tricks. Then you can say that it is alot smarter than a smart dog.

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a cat isnt smarter then a dog. a dog has 18 billion neurons while a cat only has 7 billion neurons

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You didn't state either the age or the breed of dog, but in most cases a dog would be smarter than a two year old person. Two year olds are really not very smart, in general (although some are smarter than others).

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Is a cavoodle a Smart Dog. Are they smarter than a Mini Schnauzer?

It depends

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Are You Smarter Than a Hot Dog TV Game Show - 2012 was released on: USA: 22 August 2012

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No. If they were we would be their pet with them talking to us.

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of course a dog is smarter Micheal pilotte has no brain!!!