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they are 20% smarter then dogs

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13y ago

OMFG! ofc they are

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Q: Is a dog more intelligent than a goat?
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How intelligent is a Siberian husky?

Siberian huskies are quite intelligent. Less than German Shepherd's, and poodles, but more so than most dog breeds.

How much longer is the average gestation period for a goat than for a dog?

The average goat has a gestational period of 150 days, while the average dog's gestation period is 63 days. So, a goat's gestation period is on the average of 87 days longer than that of a dog.

What is the most intelligent dog in the us?

There is not a specific dog breed that is smarter than any other dog breed in the world than there is in the USA, but the smartest dog breed are poodles.

Which domestic animal is more intelligent in the world?

Believe it or not, it is the poodle (dog).

Are opossums intelligent?

Opossums are omnivores, eating both meat and vegetation although different species vary the amount of each in their diet.

What proof is there that buck was an intelligent dog?

100% he was intelligent.

Are border collies the most intelligent breed of dog?

Yes, they are the worlds most intelligent dog.

Is a dog smarter than a pig?

On average, yes. However, it is all up to the individual dog and pig. Pigs that are just bred for food in farms will obviously be less intelligent than a domestic dog for a pet.

What animal has more than 2 legs and has a backbone?

There are a great many animals with more than two legs and a backbone, here are a few examples, cat, dog, cow, goat, pig, horse, zebra, giraffe, elephant, mouse.

What is the name of an intelligent mammal?

Human, dog, horse, whale, dolphin, pig and many more.

what unit is used to measure a goat?


Can you a goat?

Unfortunately, I can't, but I can a dog.