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o and visit! ^_______^ SAVE THE WOLVES!

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Yes, you just have to mix a fullbred Great Dane with a fullbred Irish Wolfhound.

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Q: Is a dog a wolf mixed with fox?
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Is the Falkand islands wolf a fox or a wolf?

It is a wolf. Though it's closest realitive is the maned wolf, which is fox-like but is a wolf. They are exincted creatures but the Falkland Islands Wolf/Warrah/ Falkland Islands dog/Falkland Islands fox or Antarctic wolf is a wolf and not a fox.

Can you breed a pitbull and a fox why not you can breed a dog and a wolf?


Who are the wolf's relatives?

coyote, African wild dog, fennec fox, domenestic dog ,red fox, dingo

Who are the coyote's relatives?

Fox, Wolf, Dingo, domestic dog, wild dog

From which family is the wolf?

canid (canine) like a dog or a fox

What is a dog's relative?

A dog's relative(s) are/is a wolf or fox, but foxes act like cats do.

Could my dog really be a husky wolf mix?

You dog could have some husky wolf mixed in it. All you have to do is take it to the vet and have test run on the dog.

What is a good name for a fox mixed with a birdwolfand chicken?

fobirwolken fo=FOx bir=BIRd wol=WOLf ken=chicKEN

What is another word for a wild dog?

Wolves Jackals Coyotes Bush dogs foxes Small eared dog Culpeo Raccoon dog Dingo Dhole African wild dog Even though thought to be dogs, hyenas and aardwolves are closer related to cats then dogs.

What does coyote mean in spanish?

"Coyote" is a coyote as in the animal coyote, famaly to a dog, fox and wolf

What type of animal is a wolf?

Well It's a wolf, but part of the dog family. Foxes are part of the cat family so wolf=dog and fox=cat so yeah!

What kind of wolf eats a fox?

It's very rare for a wolf to eat a fox but the only kind of wolf that will eat a fox is a very HUNGRY wolf.