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Assuming you are asking about the American Bison (Bovidae bison), no; at least not right now. Currently it is listed as "Near Threatened" by the ICUN with the status reflecting how massive conservation efforts have helped a species but it does currently rely on continued conservation efforts to keep it going. There are only 2 populations in Canada, 3 populations in the United States and 1 in Mexico. Granted, this does not include domesticated bison that are bred for consumption or bison that are notconsidered 'free range'.

Gates, C. & Aune, K. 2008. Bison bison. In: IUCN 2011. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.2. . Downloaded on 29 April 2012.

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Q: Is a buffalo endangered spicies
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If you mean a baby buffalo it is called a calf, other wise there is a type of buffalo called a dwarf buffalo. This species is endangered and is from the island of Celebes. They have a brown coat and short, straight sharp tipped horns.

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