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he swims up sidedown his back is white and has some sort of water proof cover over his wings

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Q: Is a boatmen bug white on his belly and brownish black on his back or is it a back swimmer it looks like he swims upside down and he uses his legs to swim with no wings so how does he get in your pool?
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Could be, but need to see it to be sure.

You want to get your belly button pierced but your a swimmer should you do it?

Not if you take your swimming seriously, it will increase the amount of water resistance and make you go slower through the water.

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Surface tension is the property of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force. When a swimmer jumps off a diving board and impacts the water's surface at a high speed, the strong surface tension causes the water to resist his body piercing through it, leading to a stinging sensation or pain known as a belly buster. Essentially, the swimmer's body collides with the water at such velocity that the water's surface tension is unable to accommodate the force, resulting in discomfort or injury.

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you can tell how to tell the gender by its under side if it is pale it is a female if it is dark it is a male.

Why do English bulldog like to sleep on their back?

English bulldogs only sleeps on there back when they are comfortable and feel safe in there environment. Their belly is a vulnerable spot on a bulldog, so when a bulldog lays upside down, they are comfortable.

Where does the saying belly up come from?

The term "belly-up" was invented by an American novelist called John Dos Passos in 1920. Belly-up is an allusion to dead fish. Which float upside-down, or belly-up, on top of the water. The term is used as a slang word meaning "financial ruin", "bankrupt" or "defeated". Even though it was invented in 1920 by Passos, it wasn't really widely heard of until Passos was quoted in America's Washington Post newspaper in 1975, in an article about financial crisis in New York City.

What kind of spider has brown and yellow striped legs and a big cream colored back and brownish blask dots in belly in upper peninnsula of MI?

The description provided matches that of a Goldenrod Crab Spider. These spiders are common in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and are known for their distinctive coloration of brown and yellow striped legs with a cream-colored back and brownish-black markings on the belly. They are generally harmless to humans.