Generally yes. Only around 125 Dutch Smoushond puppies are registered each year. This breed of dog is relatively unknown outside of the Netherlands.
The Dutch Smoushond can be kept in an apartment as long as it is provided with enough exercise. This active breed of dog requires long, daily walks.
Generally yes. Only around 125 Dutch Smoushond puppies are registered each year. This is particularly the case outside of the Netherlands where this breed of dog is hardly known.
"Harde schijf" is a Dutch equivalent of "hard disk drive."
they faced hard yard had to find there own food and clothes
Yes you can, it's just a matter of searching for them as they can be hard to find in some areas.
Groot But the g is hard to say if you're not dutch..
Schoenen is the Dutch word for shoes. It's hard to say this word if you're not Dutch.
Find a school or something like that that teaches people Dutch. Or go to the Netherlands, you can find Dutch courses there.
no,william penn did but he was a dutch
hart = heart but dont get confused! : hart = heart & hard = hard
It's very hard to pronounce Dutch words and hard to write down how you should say it so you would get it right.. But the a's would be pronounced differently in Dutch and the rest would be the same. It would be like saying AAAAH when you're scared, that's the a you have to use in the name Natalie in Dutch.
It's hard to pronounce Dutch words and too hard to write it down so that you understand how you should say it, if you don't know how to pronounce Dutch letters. But if you click on the link (under the related links section) and then click on the speaker under the Dutch word 'huis' you can hear how you should pronounce it.