

Is V8 juice good for you?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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12y ago

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Yes, it's very good for you because it includes a lot of vegetables and/or fruits. But juicing fruits or vegetables is far better for you and should be chosen over V8.

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Q: Is V8 juice good for you?
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Is v8 juice good for diabetics?

No, V8 Juice is not known to be good for diabetics. This is because it contains a lot of sodium. It also can spike a diabetics sugar levels up too much.

Does tabasco and v8 taste good together?

I honestly love it. I have spicy hot v8 juice with loads of tabasco. But if your not like me and can not handle super hot foods, then pick the green tabasco and the regular v8 juice. Or the plain spicy hot v8 juice. Enjoy!!!!

Is there MSG in V8 JUice?

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Can V8 juice be used in a Bloody Mary?

its not as good, but u could.

Can the V8 drink help you keep a good skin complexion?

Yes, V8 juice can help your skin tremendously.

Can tomatoes grow with v8 tomato juice?

yes, they can grow with V8 tomato juice or any tomato juice

Is tomato juice the same thing as v8 tomato juice?

No, V8 juice is a blend of tomato, carrot, beet, celery and other vegetable juices. Tomato juice is just tomato juice.

Instead of v8 juice can you use v8 spicey juice?

The two are comparable in density, so in most cases, yes.

How many Weight Watchers points in V8 juice?

Here's what I would recommend. V8 juice has zero points if you add half a stick of butter, and blend it together really well. This counter acts any calories. Good luck!

Is there iodized salt in v8 juice?


What is the pH of v8 juice?

it's 4

Is it safe to drink v8 juice?

Yes and no. It is always a good idea to have a balanced diet that includes vegetables, and some people find that drinking V8 Vegetable Juice is one way to put some vegetables into their daily diet. It is low-fat, and contains the juice of tomatoes, carrots, celery, beets, parsley, lettuce, watercress and spinach. But while an eight ounce serving of V8 is high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, it is also high in sodium (salt), which is not good for you. Many nutritionists suggest making your own vegetable juice, which will be fresher, tastier, and better for you.