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No, Siamese is an adj,

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Q: Is Siamese cat a compound noun?
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If my pet was a Siamese would I have a dog or a cat?

Siamese is a cat breed

What is the name of the Siamese cat in The Incredible Journey?

Sassy. And that is not a Siamese cat it is a Himalayan cat.

Is a Siamese a cat or a dog?

first of all, bread is a food and there is no Siamese bread. however Siamese is a cat BREED

How much is a chocolate Siamese cat worth?

how much is a Chinese Siamese cat

Is the Siamese cat unicellular or multicellular?

The Siamese is multicellular, and this applies to all breeds of cat.

Is a Siamese cat a mammal?

Siamese cats are mammals.

Were was the first Siamese cat born?

i believe the Siamese cat was either born in Siam or Egypt.

How does a Siamese cat survive?

a Siamese cat can live any where in the world sometime it lives in the jungle

Should Siamese cat be capitalized?

It should look like this: Siamese Cat. It does need to be capitalized.

How do you combine the sentences The cat is a Siamese - The cat purrs softly when stroked?

"The siamese cat purrs softly when stroked," combines these sentences. Alternately, you could say,"The cat is a siamese and purrs softly when stroked."

Can a regular cat have a Siamese kitten?

No, a regular cat will not be able to give birth to a full Siamese kitten. At best, the kittens will be half-Siamese if one of the parents was a full Siamese cat. I have a calico female that mated with my male Siamese and when she gave birth to four kittens that looked like Siamese and one was coloured black. However none of these kittens are full Siamese.

Is the Birman cat breed closely related to the Siamese cat breed?

Some breeders say the Birman is closely related to the Siamese cat, it was probably because a stray Siamese cat fathered a few litters of kittens.