yes !he is he is living in san diego california.
Frank Lee Morris's birth name is Frank Lee Morris.
Frank Lee Morris is 5' 7 1/2".
Frank Lee Morris went by Tablespoon Trio.
please tell me is wanya morris member of boyz 2 men is alive i need too know
Frank Lee Morris was born on September 1, 1926, in Washington, District of Columbia, USA.
After their escape with frank Morris they went separate ways.They are Still alive today as for Morris he gave up hiding in 2010 and said it was the perfect time.Morris is 83 right now and the anglin brothers John is 81 and the other is 80
A) Morris Frank
I believe it was Robbery
He robbed a bank
he ate a poo and pooed on the president
Leslie Frank Morris has written: 'A history of St. Dunstan's College' -- subject(s): History, St. Dunstan's College