The products sold by "James Wellbeloved" are pet products. These products include such items as dog food and cat food which are hypoallergenic and natural.
Any good dry complete dog food will suit just fine. I personally recommend James Wellbeloved.
Many of the higher range dog foods, such as Arden Grange, James Wellbeloved, Natural Dog Food Company. Or you can feed a BARF Diet which consists of bones and raw food, you can buy fresh raw meat from a company called AMP, Anglian Meat Products
I personally use James wellbeloved and feel that it is the best, but there are many other good brands out there: Barking Heads, Arden Grange, Skinners, Burns, Fish4Dogs and others. All these foods do not contain a high amount of grains, or no grains at all, and use good quality meat sources.
Its good for your dog.
any food that's good and healthy for you is good and healthy for your dog as well
James spratt
Pedigree dog food is a very popular dog food company. Is the can and dry food and good could depend on the taste buds of your dog. Not all dogs like the same food just like humans.
that is your own opinion, but i say yes indeed it is!If the dog food is good. And if the idea for the commercial is good.
pedigree food is good in all age of dog, my dog is 6 years and he more happly to eat pedigree
Take the dog food back to wherever you purchased it from. Buy a good name brand dog food, not some cheap generic brand. Dog food should not have weevils in it. Do not feed it to your dog, return it & get a better dog food.
Feed him or her any type of good name dog food. Why don't you take the dog in for your own? If you cannot keep the dog for your own, then take him or her to your local Animal Shelter where they can try to find a good home for the dog. The dog needs a good shelter from the weather as well as good food and lots of love and care.