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There are many different reasons for Allergies and each cat is different. People are allergic mostly to the cat's saliva, dander in their fur, and urine. Because of that, it's hard to just pick which cat you'd be better with than others. Instead you need to reduce the allergens. There are many ways to reduce allergens in your home and allow for you to own a cat.

1 - Keep your cats indoors only. When they go indoor and outdoor, they clean themselves more often, shed more, and bring inside outdoor allergens. Most people are actually not allergic to cat fur, but are allergic to their saliva and dander that is in their fur.
2 - Keep your cat out of the bedroom and off the furniture. While we love our furry friends to cuddle up next to us in bed, it's hours of exposure to the allergens. Cat trees or cat condos are great alternatives to them being on your furniture.
3- Keep your cat groomed. There are anti-dander shampoos that help allergies and reduce shedding. Also brushing will help.
4 - Wash your hands after petting your cat.
5 - There are awesome meds now that are specifically designed to combat pet allergies. Ask your doctor which they would recommend you use.

Good luck with your allergies. I've been allergic to cats all my life and own 3 of the furry beasts. Plus I volunteer and work with them for hours each week. Cats and people with allergies can co-exist.

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14y ago
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13y ago

I'm sorry to say but however convincing it is NO breed of cat OR dog is hypoallergenic. There are some breeds of cats that don't shed a lot so you might want to check out some other breeds. If you still want a Siamese breed then vacuum and groom him or her and giving them a bath can help. Allergy medicine and keeping the cats of your bed can help too. I have two Siamese cats and I don't have allergy's but I do recommend it because its a loving and fun breed.

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13y ago

Almost all cats produce dander on their skin, which is the main thing (apart from cat saliva) that people are allergic to. Siamese are no exception.

The only "allergy friendly" cats are Sphynx cats, which are hairless and can be wiped down to reduce dander, and possibly the brand-new hypoallergenic cats (which are rare and expensive at this time.)

You can reduce the dander on any cat by brushing them often (have someone NOT allergic do these chores), washing them once a month, and of course keep your house well-vacuumed and your linens clean to prevent it from building up. Medications also exist to reduce the effect of cat allergies.

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14y ago

No sorry, Siamese cats are not hypoallergenic.

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10y ago

No cat, including Siamese, are hypoallergenic. Siamese are one type of cat that may cause fewer allergic reactions because of their short fur.

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9y ago

Yes, they produce less of the protein that makes you react. Anyone who says no because they have long hair knows nothing about cats and why you are allergic to them.

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4y ago

Yes, they are.

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S. M. Manton has written: 'Colourpoint longhair and Himalayan cats' -- subject(s): Breeding, Cats, Colorpoint cat, Himalayan cat