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None. All the Alamo defenders were from human mothers.

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Q: In the Battle of the Alamo how many defenders came from whales?
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Who came all the way from the US to help the Texans in the Alamo?

There were several non-Texans who came to the Alamo's defense. The Alamo's defenders consisted of 41 European born men, 2 Jewish men, 2 African-Americans, and the remainder were Americans from states other than Texas. Only 13 men in the Battle of the Alamo were Texan born.

Who On march 1 1836 who came to aide of the Alamo defenders?

Gonzales....known at the "immortal 32"

Which came first the Civil War the Alamo or the Revolutionary War?

The Revolutionary War (1775-1783). The Battle of the Alamo was in 1836. The Civil War was 1861-1865.

Why is David Crockett important in Texas history?

His importance to Texas history is as a part of a good story (The Alamo). He was already famous before he came to Texas, and that fame is often used as a starting point for the story. Crockett was just one of several prominent figures among the Alamo defenders, though, and he didn't have much else to do with the rest of Texas history.

When was Why the Whales Came created?

Why the Whales Came was created in 1985.

Is there any reason for the battle of the Alamo happening on 1836?

The reason for the Alamo happening in 1836 is because that was the time they decided to fight, and freedom from Mexico is why. Back then, Texas was part of Mexico. They wanted freedom from Mexico, which means they wanted to be independent like most of the north eastern states. This was a little bit before 1836. They started planning . They had a battle a few years before for there freedom from mexico. They lost, and then the battle of the Alamo came in.

If a battle took place who usually came out of it better the attackers or defenders?

It honestly depends on the battle. After the Civil War, the defensive side would have an advantage. They dug in with trenches, mines, booby traps, etc.

What is the duration of When the Whales Came?

The duration of When the Whales Came is 1.67 hours.

Why did Davy Crockett die?

He didn't. Contrary to popular belief, he was one of the few that survived the battle and was executed by a Mexican Firing-Squad.

When was When the Whales Came created?

When the Whales Came was created on 1989-08-22.

How did the Alamo fall?

The Alamo fell because Santa Anna came earlier than they had expected

Why did davy Crockett go to Texas?

To fight in the Mexican war, he died in the Alamo battle I always heard he came to the Alamo because he was hunting bear and he saw on the map where X marked the spot (San Antonio de BeXar)