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Q: In Indian cultures what does the elephant-god gnash help with?
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What happened when the aryan Indian cultures blended?

When the Aryan and Indian cultured blended it created Hinduism. Glad I could help ;D

How increased number of domestic airlines Indian aviation industry?

It will narrow the distance, it will help the get together of diff. cultures as well it may help into business where the business men can get their supply by the time.

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it does not help you learn about different cultures

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help me

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Crops were needed as a surplus to help create trade between cultures.

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by pooping and farting

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it is what help culture last

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I think gandhi wants to help Indian and fight peaceful because British rule Indian country and this is your answer I think

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The two cultures the blended to help create Russian culture were, the Slavic and Byzantine traditions

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explain how it can help indian sociaty